Description | | Too often when problem solving, our students have developed into what Graham Fletcher calls “pluckers”. They pluck numbers out and then try to find a key word that tells them which operation to perform. In this all-day workshop, we will be exploring all the Cognitively Guided Instruction problem types that involve single-step multiplication and division (there are 9!) and some multi-step problems involving all 4 operations with various number sets. Included in this work will be modeling the structure of the problem types using concrete materials like Cuisenaire rods and pictorial models such as bar models/tape diagrams. In addition, we will discuss many ideas for how we can engage all learners in the process of problem solving that takes into account the diverse needs of all our learners such as discussing worked examples, 3 Reads Protocol, Numberless Word Problems, and Building Thinking Classrooms. Together we can create flexible and confident mathematicians and ensure positive math journeys for all!
Ann Elise Record will be presenting.
Lunch will be one hour on your own.
Title II-A stipends will be given to staff who are members of the ESU 7 Title II-A Consortium. FREE for those within ESU 7. Those outside of ESU 7 will be charged a $50 materials fee. |
Location | | ESU 7 North Building - Oak/Maple Rooms |
Status |  | This section is currently open. 0 Registered 0 Minimum; 40 Maximum |
Section Dates | |
| | |
June 12, 2025 | 8:30 AM | 3:30 PM |
Registration Deadline | | June 11, 2025 |
Add to Calendar |  | Add to my calendar |
Registration Fees | |
| |
FREE for those within ESU7 | $0.00 |
Those outside of ESU 7 | $50.00 |
Lunch | | Lunch will not be provided. |
College Credit | | This section is not available for college credit. |
Comments | |
Thank you for registering for this ESU 7 event. We are excited to see you!
Enter and exit through the main doors. Doors will be unlocked 30 minutes prior to the event and will lock promptly at the start time of the event. No need to buzz in.
By registering for this event, you give ESU 7 permission to take and post your photo on ESU 7 sponsored media, including social media. If you wish to register, but do not agree to this release, please contact Cindy Wieser ( 402-564-5753 for registration assistance.