ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopGross Motor Play with Toddlers - Columbus
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 ELC
Default ContactDefault ContactAngel Mayberry
Default LocationESU 7 - SOUTH BUILDING
DescriptionSection ImageDuring this workshop we will discuss:

Discuss how children begin to demonstrate coordination, balance, and body awareness.
Explore ways to encourage use of a variety of gross motor muscles movements (e.g., rolling, sitting,
Strategies for adults to support children while they experiment with different body movements, such as dancing, jumping, hopping around the room or outdoors
Variety of equipment and materials to encourage gross motor development (riding toys, climbing apparatus, steps, and balls, push/pull
toys, blocks)
Variety of outdoor surfaces to explore (e.g., grass, dirt, sand, cement)
Games that require physical actions (e.g., rolling, throwing, kicking balls,
chasing, going over/under objects)
Ways Low beams, painted lines, tape on floor, sloping planes, ramps, or wedges
to help practice balance and encourage movement

AudienceAudience: Early Care and Education Professionals