ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopPyramid Model Series: Individualized Teaching of Social Emotional Skills
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 Professional Development
Default ContactDefault ContactAmy Richards
Default LocationESU 7 - SOUTH BUILDING
DescriptionThis module guides educators in how to individualize instruction on social-emotional skills for children who need more targeted supports. Practices that are taught include: teaching systematically, peer-mediated intervention, planning for embedded instruction, and progress monitoring. This session focuses on educators serving preschool and kindergarten students.
This is an in person only event that will be taking place in the AB conference room, in the south building.
FREE for those within ESU 7. Those outside of ESU 7 will be charged a $50 materials fee.
Lunch will be one hour off-campus, on your own.