ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopMastering the 5 year visit: Team Leader, Team Member, and Host School Training
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 Professional Development
Primary ContactPrimary ContactMark Brady
DescriptionJoin the NDE Accreditation team for a day of immersion for serving as a Nebraska Continuous Improvement on-site visit team leader, team member, or for hosting a five-year visit.  This session is for both experienced and novice educators focusing on five-year visits.  Time will be devoted to exploring the Host School / Team Leader Responsibilities Handbook, prepping for the visit, building the team's capacity, and finishing strong.

Dr. Sandy Suiter (NDE), Todd Wolverton (NDE), Dr. Decua Jean-Baptiste (NDE) will be presenting.

This is an in person only event, that will take place at ESU 7 in the north building, Oak/Maple conference rooms.

Lunch will be off campus, one hour on your own.  
LocationESU 7 North Building - Oak/Maple Rooms