ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopAdaptive Schools, moving dialogue to action by strengthening group skills for improved learning days 3 & 4
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 Professional Development
Primary ContactPrimary ContactBrooke Kavan
DescriptionAdaptive Schools explores how to develop skills as facilitators and informed group members in informal & formal settings, in small and large groups. 
Highlights of Adaptive Schools include:
- Increased capacity to initiate, develop, & sustain high functioning groups.
- An expanded repertoire of practical facilitation tools & skills to move beyond consensus to common focus.
- Ways to value and use dissention, argument, & conflict.
- Strategies for keeping group members on track, on topic, energized, & resourceful.
Dr. Bess Sullivan Scott will be presenting.  Register once and attend both days.
This is an in person only event. 
FREE for those within ESU 7. Those outside of ESU 7 will be charged a $50 materials fee.
LocationESU 7 North Building - Oak/Maple Rooms