ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopEnglish Learner Programs: Compliance and Best Practices
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 Professional Development
Primary ContactPrimary ContactMark Brady
DescriptionIs your district new to serving English Learners? This session is designed to support district personnel in understanding the requirements and best practices of English Learner programs in Nebraska public schools. You will leave with an understanding of Nebraska's Rule 15 along with resources that can be used in your district to meet the needs of your English Learners. Content and resources will be shared in the morning and the afternoon will be reserved for district work time.
Lunch will be one hour on your own.
Title III stipends and mileage reimbursement will be given to staff who are employed by Title III Consortium districts.
FREE for those within ESU 7 and within the Title III Consortium. $50 materials fee for all others.
LocationESU 7 North Building - Oak/Maple Rooms