ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopNature Play Day - Columbus
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 ELC
Default ContactDefault ContactAngel Mayberry
Default LocationESU 7 - SOUTH BUILDING
DescriptionSection ImageNature Play Day with  SIX hands on and in depth activities exploring Nature within Early Care and Education Settings.

Rainstick, Thunderstorm, Living Water and House of Seasons, Parts to Play and Home Tweet Home, Leaf & Splash, Connecting with Neighboorhood Nature, and Connecting with Nature to self "Three Cheers for Trees".

Participants will be better equipped to lead young children in nature-play based learning experiences.

Participants will be more comfortable using natural parts and outdoor spaces for play and learning experiences.

Participants will become familiar with both PLT and WET curriculum to utilize with their children/students.
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AudienceAudience: Early Care and Education Professionals