ESU 7: Workshops: Workshop Details
WorkshopWorkshopPlatte Valley Early Learning Connection Partnership Meetings - RETREAT
DepartmentDepartmentESU 7 ELC
Default ContactDefault ContactAngel Mayberry
Default LocationESU 7 - SOUTH BUILDING
DescriptionYou are invited to Platte Valley Early Learning Connection Partnership Meetings for 2024-2025

Purpose: Involvement in Platte Valley’s Partnership provides opportunities to participate in the early childhood leadership, community, strengthen local, state, and national early childhood initiatives, promote quality and distributing of early childhood professional development opportunities and information.   Together we are stronger!  

Collaborate with partners, discuss ELC grant for 2024-2025, and hear updates from partners.

DIG Through THE DATA!  Grant writing time!!!  Come with ideas for the next grant year (2025-2026)  


AudienceAudience: ELC EC Partners